email marketing
Seven Mistakes to Avoid in Email Marketing
November 23, 2009 by publisher · Leave a Comment
Perhaps one of the most important tasks in email marketing is to maintain an email list, and this means adding potential customers while retaining the ones that are already on this list. But in playing the role of an email marketing manager, there are mistakes that you can make which will cause these potential customers to unsubscribe from your mailing list.
While you don’t need to know too much to add people on to your list, there are some things to keep in mind when sending emails about your products or services. Here is a list of mistakes that you should avoid in email marketing:
Mistake #1: Send them emails every day
Not only do these customers receive email from you, but also from other email lists that they’ve been added to. If you send them emails every day, there’s every chance that they will unsubscribe from your list, thanks to your using your email marketing software package as often as possible.
Mistake #2: Push your products
Most customers sign up on your mailing list to know more about a product before actually buying it. Pushing your products is anything but a surefire way for them to like your products. In fact, you’ll put them off immediately.
Mistake #3: Watch the language that you use in the email
While some emails that you receive will use the phrase ‘my friend’, this sounds hypocritical since you don’t share a personal relationship with him or her. On the other hand, some people like to use cool and informal terms that might not sit well with people who are older.
Mistake #4: Lack of valuable information and aesthetic value
If you send them information that they already know, with nothing new to offer, then this will encourage your readers to unsubscribe from your mailing list. Spicing it up in terms of content (you can find email writing tips as well as a variety of newsletter templates) and aesthetics is the way to go if you want to keep your customers from clicking the unsubscribe button.