Web Marketing Tutorial
Social Media Marketing

Get Traffic from Pinterest

January 26, 2016 by · Leave a Comment 


For any business website or blog, Pinterest can be an extremely good source of traffic. How good a source of traffic will depend on the niche of the website. Pinterest users tend to skew heavily towards women. To that end, anything of interest to women should be successful on Pinterest. Home, Garden, Recipes, Cooking, DIY, Decor, Design are just a few of the subjects that dominate Pinterest user feeds.

Pin Regularly

For your pins to get any traction you will need as many followers as possible. Getting followers involves pinning content that other users will find interesting. Your followers will come from people whose content you have pinned or from users searching the site. Once you get a follower, your pins will appear on their feeds. The more you pin the higher the likelihood of getting more followers. Once you have followers, you can start mixing in your own content with your regular pins. All you need is the right user to repin and you can get thousands of visitors.

Group Boards

The next step is to get on as many group boards as possible. Group boards are standard boards with multiple contributors. Getting into group boards can be hard but find as many as you can. Read the rules and then ask to be made a contributor. The admin will consider your request. Once you become a contributor to a group board, continue the practice of pinning other people’s content while mixing in your own. A ratio 3 other pins for every pin of yours is a good rule of thumb to follow.

Follow these two tips and you could generate thousands of extra visitors each month.